At St. Clair Medical Centre, surgical services include two major modern operating theatres and one minor operating theatre where many different procedures can be performed. Consent for Surgery, Procedures, and Anaesthesia. When you have been properly informed about your operation, you will be asked to sign a consent form, which authorizes your doctor to carry out the planned procedure.
Our surgeons are helpful and friendly and most importantly, they are there to help you get better. Feel free to ask your surgeon any questions you may have about the procedure you are having done.
Depending on your surgery, we may also ask you to sign a consent form for blood transfusion– an information sheet about transfusions is available if you wish to know more about this.
Children under 18 years of age must have these forms signed by a parent or legal guardian.
After surgery, patients are kept in the recovery room for further observation before being transferred to the ward.
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